由于轮换家庭的性质和海外教育较短的职业生涯,我们每年的员工流动率约为 25%。 这使得满足特殊需求更具挑战性。 请让我们的注册员了解您孩子的情况,我们一起讨论解决方案。
所有英语不是主要语言的家庭或国家,在申请时都要参加入学考试。 所有 ELL 学生都要接受确定他们英语水平的书面和口语测试。 只有通过 ELL 入门测试的学生才能被录取。
Penny Lane, Valley Golf, Cainta on the edge of Metro Manila.
点击 这里 地图
是的,我们有开往城市各个地方的面包车,站点取决于学生人数。 这项服务需要额外收费。
所有教师都必须持有本国政府认证的最新证书 certification 与国际基督教学校协会 (ACSI) 合作。 学校将协助维护证书的过程和费用。 RightNow Media 圣经的持续教育单元 (CEU),ACSI 要求更新证书。 学校还订阅了 ASCD Activate 需要获得CEU教育资质的每位教师都将在头三年内完成基督教教育哲学课程。 信心学院跟随 the requirements 此由ASCI设置。 如有疑问和帮助,请联系 教与学主任.
与您的派遣机构核实,了解他们可能提供的指导或研讨会。 信心学院也可以应要求提供一些资源。
Faith Academy offers New Staff Orientation to help acclimate you to serving here. Many mission agencies offer a more intensive pre-field orientation. If your mission agency does not, we recommend you consider the Association for Christian Schools International (ACSI) orientation for those who will be working with Third Culture Kids (TCKs). Check their website for ACSI’s information.
It is recommended that you enter the country as a tourist and within the first 30 days of your arrival, Faith Academy visa department will start the process of applying for your new 47(a)2 visa. You will receive information from our visa coordinator prior to your arrival in the country.
Several months before you begin your assignment, you will be contacted by the Faith Academy ITS Department with instructions on how to access your FA email address. Your supervisor and others on staff will then begin using this new address to communicate with you.
Each classroom has a Windows based computer equipped to use an LCD projector to display digital content for large group viewing. Non-teaching staff will also be provided with a desktop computer, if needed. If you are coming and prefer to use your own laptop or tablet for projection in the classroom, that is fine. However, please be aware that Faith does not provide the adapters you may need to connect your preferred device to our LCD projectors; the increasing numbers of devices and possible adapters makes this impossible to meet everyone’s needs. As you prepare to come serve, please plan ahead and purchase / bring the adapters you need to connect your preferred device to a VGA connection coming from our LCD projectors.
Once you have been accepted as a staff member, you will need to fill out an application for your school-aged child(ren) (preschool, elementary, middle or high school) by contacting the Registrar.
Please note: Upon acceptance to serve at Faith Academy, your children will not automatically be enrolled.
Filipinos are extremely gracious and non-confrontational. Time is not a primary value. Filipinos are people-oriented and event-oriented, not schedule-oriented.
The nation is mostly Roman Catholic with a strong god-consciousness as seen in posters, public transport, etc.
Upon arrival, you will be given a book entitled, Mabuhay, that will provide information to help you navigate your new life at Faith Academy, in Manila, and in the Philippines. If you would like to read ahead, please contact the HR Department and it will be sent to you in an e-book format.
Your mission organization will determine how much you will need to raise in order to live in Manila.
Check with your mission organization to see if they will assist you in finding housing.
Most of our personnel rent condominium apartments or single family homes close to Faith Academy; these come both furnished and unfurnished. Faith Academy does manage the lease of some apartments close to the campus; they are available on a first come/first serve basis. The HR office also keeps an ongoing list of available housing.
Some personnel will be looking for people to house-sit for them while they are on home assignment (furlough) for six months to one year. This allows newcomers to get an idea of what things are like and where they may want to live for long-term. The HR office will also be able to give you information about this.
The Manila area of the Philippines has three seasons: Hot, Rainy, and Cool. The humidity level averages 77%.
The hot season is typically March through May and the temperatures are in the lower to mid 30 Celsius range (90 to 100 degrees F).
The rainy season is June through November. There are monsoon type rains and occasional typhoons. Temperatures range from 20-30 degrees Celsius (80 to 90 degrees F).
The cool season is December through mid February. It is typically a little cooler and drier with temperatures in the upper 20 degrees Celsius (70 to 80 degrees F).
The Philippines is a tropical country; it is hot and humid. You will mainly want modest summer clothing. If you’re planning to purchase clothing in the Philippines, be aware that sizes run small here. Clothing that is equivalent to US size Large or larger can be difficult to find in local stores.
It is recommended that you budget for a vehicle; this should be discussed with your sending organization. Faith Academy is not easily accessible by public transportation, although some personnel choose to take public or arrange for rides with others.
Yes, you will need a local driver’s license. However, your driver’s license from your home country will be valid for the first 90 days in the country. You may apply for a Filipino drivers license as long as your current driver’s license is still valid. You may be asked to take the written and/or driving test.
The currency in the Philippines is the Philippine Peso.
First, contact your mission. They may have a procedure in place for you to get cash and process bills, but it is recommended that you bring cash with you that can be exchanged at local locations until you get things set up at the bank.
Credit cards such as Visa, Amex, and Mastercard are accepted at most restaurants and shopping centers, although there are a few places that only accept locally issued credit cards.
Faith Academy will accept credit cards, US dollars (USD), and USD checks to pay school bills. FA will exchange USD to Philippine Pesos (PHP) to a maximum of $150 per day.
Electricity is 220v in the Philippines. Please confirm that all your electronic devices are able to handle 220 volts if you are coming from a country that has different voltage.
Board Games – You will find some here but they are more expensive and more limited. You can sometimes buy second hand ones through the missionary community.
Christmas Ornaments – If you have a few favorites, bring them to help you feel at home. Christmas is a big celebration here and decorations are available and even start going up in September!
课堂资源 带上海报来装饰并用作课堂工具,尤其是当您教授 初中和高中时。
计算机和小型电子产品 在您的国家可能更便宜; 请记住,它们必须是 220V 或可转换电压的。
家庭装饰 任何让您感觉像在家里一样的壁挂或照片,都请带上。
学习用品 像袖珍文件夹和 8 1/2×11 横格笔记本纸这样的东西在这里很难找到,大多数办公用品都可以找到。
床上用品 这些在当地有售,但是,如果您对织品面料有特殊要求,可以从您的国家带来。
特殊书籍 这里有书店,价格实惠,但不是所有的书都能买到。 如果您有特殊的,特别是用于教学的,请带上它们。
洗簌用品 当地有除臭剂卖,但有人发现它们没有自己国家的产品强效,品牌也很有限。 菲律宾销售很多品种/品牌的牙膏和洗发水, 但大多数产品都会含有增白剂。 就女性卫生品而言,棉条不多见,价格也较高,数量也很少。除此以外其它卫生品一应俱全。
玩具 这里有玩具店,但像 Fisher Price、Lego 等名牌商品的价格较贵。
维生素 有些可以在这里找到,但要贵得多。
最近航空公司对行李的限制越来越多,您可能想知道如何携带您的物品。 我们许多人都使用 balikbayan box 服务。 您可以按固定费率进行门到门运送,没有重量限制。 Balikbayan 是菲律宾语,指从外国长居后返回菲律宾的人。 在美国和加拿大有许多公司提供这项服务。 Forex是最受欢迎的公司之一。
℅ Faith Academy
Penny Lane Street
Valley Golf Subd., San Juan
Cainta, Rizal 1900
通讯从未如此简单便宜! 在菲律宾,每个人都使用手机; 马尼拉是世界短信之都! 您可以购买便宜的设备和套餐,或选择购买随用随付卡。
备注: 整个地区的 WiFi 和手机服务很难保持稳定,尤其是在台风季时。 虽然学校的 WiFi 相对更可靠一些,但您在菲律宾以外的家人和朋友应该知道您可能随时联系不上。
当地有合格的医生和牙医,马尼拉也有许多设备完善的医院。 菲律宾侨民的医疗保健在马尼拉及其周边地区价格实惠且质量上乘。
大多数药物价格合理都能买到。 如果您有必须服用的药物,请在来之前询问当地人是否有该药物供应。
维生素可能会更贵。 如果您喜欢某种品牌或类型,建议您带一些来备用,直到您了解在菲律宾的价格和供应情况。
疫苗虽然菲律宾对疫苗没有强制接种种类,但我们鼓励您检查这两项 CDC 以及 WHO 在离开您的国家前请访问网站以查看他们的建议。 Passport Health 有一个网页,提供前往菲律宾旅行的最新疫苗要求的信息。 我们也鼓励您与您的主要医疗保健提供者交谈,根据您自己的健康状况讨论您的选择。
我们下一学年的申请流程于每年 11 月开始,截止日期于次年的4 月 15 日。在此日期之外提交的申请将根据具体情况进行审查。
申请过程是成为信心学院学生的第一步,必须完成申请并提交学校记录。如果需要,英语语言测试将在此过程中进行。该申请连同考试成绩和学校记录将由行政部门审查。 一旦申请获得批准,他们将向您发送录取通知书。
如果学生收到录取通知书,则注册过程将遵循申请过程。 为了保证有学位,此程序必须完成。 需要填写医疗表格、学生安全表格和政策表格。 一旦全部完成,学生将被视为新学年正式生。
每年,每个在读学生都必须完成重新注册过程。 如果学生不重新注册,他们将不得在下一学年入学。 如果学生将在学年期间离开,仍然需要填写在线表格。
标准化考试,通过使用年级百分位数排名来衡量学生的成绩。 我们接受的测试包括 Stanford、Terra Nova、WIDA、Woodcock-Johnson 和 CEM Achievement Test(仅限菲律宾人)。
提交申请、学校记录和申请费后,将安排英语语言测试。 测试在信心学院校园内进行。
信心学院主要为宣教士家庭服务; 因此,宣教士的孩子将被优先考虑。学校工作人员的子女或过往寄宿生的兄弟姐妹也将被优先考虑。 不属于上述任何类别的其他学生将在有空位时才会被接受。
寄宿适用于居住在大马尼拉地区以外且不在信心学院交通车接送家庭之列。一般情况下,寄宿家庭不接受父母回国述职/休假的孩子,这些学生可以作为走读生被录取,直到他们的父母返回服事工场,只要学校知道特定的监护人即可。 但是,注册部也可能会根据具体情况做出一些特殊的例外。
大部分的寄宿生都是高中生。 7 -8 年级的中学生可能会根据具体情况被接受,但我们不接受 7 年级以下的学生。
每个寄宿家庭都是独一无二的。 我们有一间只接收女生,一间全是男生,还有一间在人数需要时可以同时接男生和女生。 学生们像一家人一样住在每个有特色的家里,他们一起学习,一起吃饭,互相照顾。
每间宿舍是按照一个成人十个孩子的比例搭配,其中包括宿舍父母自己的孩子。 宿舍 宿舍备有5间够12-20个学生共享的5间卧室。
我们有来自不同文化背景的学生,作为一个多元文化的家庭要团结在一起需要时间适应。 重要的是,学生要愿意灵活变通,并学习适应新朋友、日程安排、责任和文化。与家人分离并不容易,但我们的目标是通过提供一个充满爱和滋养的家,加上父母的祈祷和支持,我们可以帮助孩子们发挥最大的潜能。
由于集体生活的多变,有特殊需要、学习挑战、健康问题、情感或行为问题的学生可能难以在寄宿家庭中生活。 家长在申请过程中坦诚提供以上信息非常重要,有助于帮助学生做出最佳决定。
- 父母签署的,保证在发生事故后承担全部责任和义务的信函。
- 有效的菲律宾驾照
- 车辆/摩托车所有者的同意书。
我们知道寄宿生的交通选择有限。 在某些情况下,宿舍家长不愿意让学生开车或乘坐学生驾驶的车辆。请注意,宿舍家长保留在与交通有关的决定中行使个人自由裁量权的权利。
- 初中生不允许约会。
- 9 年级可以群组约会(3 对或更多参与者)
- 10 年级可以四人约会 (2 对)
- 11 和 12 年级可以单独约会。
- 12 年级根据具体情况,在父母意见下,可与非信心学院的人约会。
- 约会外出必须得到宿舍父母的批准。
- 约会中的情侣不得住在同一间宿舍。