Guidance Counselor

The High School Guidance Counselor will help all students in grades 9-12 in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development, and career development. Usually the counselor is the division’s first contact for new students and parents. The counselor helps students plan their high school schedule, offers study advice, and recommends extracurricular activities that will be beneficial to a student. The counselor also helps students search for colleges, fill out applications, and find scholarships, while being an advocate for student emotional and mental health.

Essential Duties of the job

Course Registration

  • Arrange and implement a course request process during May.
  • Assist in the creation of the master course schedule.
  • Approve students’ requests to ensure that graduation requirements and prerequisites are being met.
  • Schedule all 9th through 12th grade students with help of high school staff.
  • Co-supervise an orientation program for all new high school students.
  • Pre-register as many students as possible before the start of the school year.


  • Meet with potential new students and their parents to explain the academic program and offer suggestions for course selection.
  • Assess potential students prior to acceptance to Faith Academy and consult closely with support personnel regarding appropriate placement.
  • Determine the credit allowed for transferred courses and homeschooling.
  • Become thoroughly familiar with the common and essential requirements for college admission and assist students and parents in following them.
  • Be knowledgeable of the tests used for college admissions as well as their important due dates. Assist students and parents in registering for these.
  • Coordinate the visits of college representatives. This may involve setting up transportation, hotel reservations, etc.
  • Meet with each senior and junior and as many underclassmen as possible for a personal interview to discuss the current year as well as future planning.
  • Assist students in choosing appropriate extracurricular activities.
  • Organize seminars for students on relevant topics (e.g, college admissions, financial aid, study skills, personal growth).
  • Assist with child safety and health education (e.g. controlled substances, abuse, and bullying).
  • Disseminate important guidance information through the “Counselor’s Corner” in each week’s Community Bulletin.
  • Complete college recommendations and application reports within 5 school days.
  • Help maintain accurate cumulative records on each student.


  • Conduct regular grade checks of struggling students. Follow up with students, parents, and teachers as appropriate. Work with the principal and vice principal when academic support plans are deemed necessary.
  • Interact with students on a personal level to discuss educational, social, and spiritual concerns. Protect each student’s confidentiality within the bounds of appropriate practice in a school setting. Some things may need to be shared with the principal or others when it is in the best interest of a student. 
  • Keep the principal informed of significant student matters, issues, and concerns.
  • Work with teachers, student support personnel, other counselors, administrators, and parents (which include dorm parents) either individually or in groups as is consistent with good counseling practice for maximum student growth and development.
  • In consultation with the principal and vice principal, intermediate in student-teacher conflicts and parent-teacher conflicts.
  • Be knowledgeable of the school’s student support services and make referrals for counseling, testing, ELL, and academic support.
  • Be familiar with referral sources outside the school and make referrals for services that cannot be provided at Faith Academy. The referrals should be made in consultation with the principal and with parental consent.


  • Administer achievement testing (e.g., the PSAT in October) and share the results with students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Parents should be informed as early as possible.
  • Keep an accurate inventory of all testing materials and be responsible for the security of these materials.
  • Requisition supplies (e.g. test booklets and answer sheets) with sufficient anticipation of needs to have all items on hand when needed.
  • Compile and maintain trend data from each year’s testing results (e.g., PSAT, SAT, ACT).
Additional responsibilities
  • Oversee the Testing & Guidance account in the high school budget.
  • Work with the vice principal to maintain and update the Academic and Course Description handbook.
  • Assist as required in updating the high school profile and assist the curriculum coordinator in updating the whole school profile.
  • Maintain posted office hours so that students know when they can avail of guidance and counseling.
  • Designate one afternoon a week, other than Tuesday, to stay after school to be available to students for counseling and consultation.
  • Keep abreast of current trends and practices in high school guidance and counseling.
Job specifications
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Have recent and successful experience working with teenagers.
  • Have experience or training in counseling.
  • Exhibit organizational and administrative abilities.

Guidance Counselor

For SchooL Year:

Term of Service:

2 year minimum commitment preferred

Type of Position:



HSD Principal

Subject Area:
